#S000014 #P#Lgfx/keybeng.pcx# #P#Lgfx/joypeng.pcx# #P#C014LITTLE ADDENDUM What would a manual be w/o an addendum? Well, this one here comes right in the middle of the manual, because it belongs to the two screens you just viewed. #C014RECEIVING HELP ANY TIME... The Help & Order Info can be acti- vated from almost anywhere within the game, by pressing the #C011F1#C015-key. When you leave Help you'll be right back at the same point where you left off. #P#C014PAUSING THE GAME While you're in the actual race, you can press #C011'P'#C015 or #C011BUTTON 3#C015 on your control device. That's the #C014YELLOW BUTTON#C015 on a Gravis GamePad. #C014This will freeze the action in- #C014stantaneously! In order to resume to the game press either #C011Ctrl#C015, #C011Alt#C015, the #C011space bar#C015, or #C011BUTTON 1#C015 or #C0112#C015. #P#C014WAKING UP THE NEIGHBORS! Owners of a four button control device can press #C011BUTTON 4#C015, i.e. the #C010GREEN BUTTON#C015 on a Gravis Game- Pad, to honk their horn. This function is for entertainment purposes only. #P#C014THE MAIN MENU The main menu is this conservative kind of main menu that does not try to confuse you by introducing any new and innovative ideas... #C014YOUR CHOICES ARE: #C014LETS GO!!! #C014HELP AND INFO #C014OPTIONS MENU Pops up an options menu. In there you can modify the level of diffi- culty, change from stick shift to automatic, and redefine the keys. Just follow the on-screen instruc- tions. #P#C014THE MAIN MENU (cont'd.) #C014SOUND MENU This pops up the SOUND MENU, the menu with the power to wobble your woofers and tickle your tweeters! In it you can choose what kind of sound you would like to hear, and how loud you want it. It also offers you a juke box. Simply follow the on-screen in- structions. #P#C014THE MAIN MENU (cont'd.) #C014THE EDITOR Guess what? (See the next pages for details). #C014EXIT TO DOS Guess what again! (When you make this fatal choice and that funny C:>_ thingy shows up, just type ROADHOG) #P#C014THE GAME Your goal is to carefully manoeuver your vehicle from START to FINISH. The easiest way to accomplish that is to slam on the gas and never to use the brakes. That means, this would be the easiest way, IF the road was per- fectly straight with no opponents on it. #C014Unfortunately, this is NOT the #C014case! #P#C014THE GAME (cont'd.) #C014THE SCREEN Besides showing the road, the screen is your online-source for an abundance of information. In the top half you can see the TIME, the SCORE, your PROGRESS in the current stage (red bar), your SCORE (a turtle), and the HISCORE (a bunny). #P#C014THE GAME (cont'd.) #C014THE SCREEN (cont'd.) In the bottom half you can see your SPEED, your current POSITION, and a STICK SHIFT (even if you're driving an automatic). After a crash a STEERING WHEEL in- dicates, that you can freely posi- tion your car on the road. This will disappear as soon as you set the car in motion. #P#C014THE GAME (cont'd.) #C014SCORING Every time you begin with a new stage, #C0145000#C015 points are added to your current score. Every time you advance by one po- sition, #C014100#C015 points are added. Every time you are passed by an opponent, #C014100#C015 points are deducted. #C01410#C015 points are deducted for every second you waste! Additional points are awarded for picking up the various bonus stuff. #P#C014THE EDITOR The editor has two screens. The first one gives you a list of the 15 available custom tracks. Here you can either choose the track you want to modify, or you can back out to the main menu. #C014Of course you want to pick a track! Once this is done, using #C011UP/DOWN#C015 & #C011FIRE#C015, screen |2 comes into the game. This whole screen is filled by a first person view of the track in its current shape. #P#C014THE EDITOR (cont'd.) You cannot change the track di- rectly, but you rather change its properties, i.e. WIDTH, LENGTH, STEEPNESS, RANDOM 'SEED', etc. At the top of the screen you can see a number of red bars. Each of the bars stands for one of the properties. Use #C011UP/DOWN#C015 to select a bar, #C011LEFT/RIGHT#C015 to change its value, #C011FIRE#C015 to confirm your change and to make it visible on the road. If you select another bar before pressing fire, your change on the current bar will be discarded. #P#C014THE EDITOR (cont'd.) WIDTH, STEEPNESS, and CURVINESS only take their full effect to- wards the middle of the track, so you might not see such a big dif- ference every time. The most massive changes are accom- plished by changing the SEED-bar. If your track looks alright and you want to give it a spin, go ahead and choose the TEST DRIVE option. If you like the feel of it, choose EXIT & SAVE, which will ask you for a name and save the track for you. ABANDON TRACK will go back to the list without saving your changes. #T #S001001#P#C014THE STORY You're a nice and caring driver, your driving habits are exemplary, you'd even stop to let an old lady cross the road. Only every once in a while you get sick and tired of all this MR. NICE GUY crap. Then you find your- self some desert road, like in the MYSTIC MOUNTAINS or in N.Y. during the rush hour. You put on your PRETTY COOL sun- glasses, flash them pearly whites and turn into the meanest #C012ROAD HOG! west of the Mississippi river. #P#C014THE STORY (cont'd.) Of course, your efforts to endan- ger other drivers and the surroun- ding flora and fauna won't go un- noticed. RHOG-TV is always looking for some reckless drivers to put them on their popular DOZER & MUSHBRAIN- show. If you're the wildest driver on the track then you're gonna be on nationwide TV! #T #S002010#P #C014 THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME #C014 TO TRY OUT ROAD HOG! Of course, this Friendware(tm) ver- sion of ROAD HOG! is just an appe- tizer. The main course, i.e. the complete yummie ROAD HOG! experience, is ser- ved a la carte in three different versions: #P#C014THE ROAD HOG! MENU: #C011All three versions contain our #C010PRET- #C010TY COOL#C011 realtime editor. #C014Version |1:#C015 A Total of #C014SIX SCENARI- #C014OS:#C015 America, Big City, Night in the Mountains, Save the Yetis!, Desert, and Underwater Race. #C011We will feed you 30 EXCITING #C011TRACKS. #C014Version |2:#C015 A Total of #C014SIX SCENARI- #C014OS:#C015 America, Big City, Night in the Mountains, Asian Monstergongs, the Madman's Territory, Easy racing by the seaside. #C011And again: 30 TOTALLY DIFFERENT WHA- #C011CKY TRACKS! #P#C014EASTER AND XMAS AT THE SAME TIME! #C014Version |3: #C014ALL NINE SCENARIOS,#C015 i.e.: America, the Big City, a wild Night in the Mountains, the Asian Monster- gongs, the desperate Escape from the Mad Man's Territory, bouncing some convertibles by the seaside, the to- tally unbureaucratic Rescue of the Yetis, a Desert infested by Albino Camels, and King Neptunes Realm! #C011ALRIGHT! Our track wizards have cre- #C011ated 45 CRAZY TRACKS, WHICH CAN BE #C011ALL YOURS! #P#Lgfx/ord1_eng.pcx# #P#Lgfx/ord2_eng.pcx# #P#C014ORDERING THE COMPLETE PROGRAM: To order the complete program, just type ORDER Ů after you have left the program. Our dealers are located in the fol- lowing countries: USA Australia Deutschland/Germany Schweiz/Switzerland And more will be added all the time. Check with HomeBrew Software in the USA for dealers outside of Europe, or with Jrgen Egeling in Germany for dealers within Europe. #P #C014United States HomeBrew Software 479 Mason Street, Suite 285 Vacaville, CA 95688-4542 USA #C011Voice: (707) 451-9653 #C011FAX: (707) 451-2500 #C014Current Pricing: #C014================ #C014Version |1 or 2:#C015 with 6 scenarios & 30 tracks each: $25 each. #C014Version |3: #C015with 9 scenarios & 45 tracks: #C014A Bargain at ONLY $40! #P#Lgfx/ccborder.pcx##C014USA (Credit card orders only) PsL P.O. Box 35705 Houston, TX 77235-5705 #C011Voice: 1-800-2424-PSL #C011 (713) 524-6394 #C011CIS: 71355,470 (we take MC, VISA, AMEX, DISCOVER) #P #C014Australia Mercury Publishing Corp. 4/146 Greenhill Rd. PARKSIDE SA 5063 Australia #C010Orders: 1-800-807-486 #C011Info: 08-373-4469 #C011Fax: 08-373-4482 Call for Price. We accept cheques, money orders, Bankcard, Mastercard and Visa. #P #C014Europe, except for Switzerland Jrgen Egeling Waldstr. 49 D-76133 Karlsruhe Germany/Deutschland #C011Voice: +49-721-9203183 #C011FAX: +49-721-9203185 #C011BBS: +49-721-374625 (19200/8N1) Our current prices: #C014Versions 1 and 2: #C0156 Scenarios each, with 30 tracks: 39,90 DEM each. #C014Version 3:#C015 ALL 9 Scenarios and 45 Tracks: #C014AT ONLY 59,90 DEM it's a #C014REAL BARGAIN! #P #C014Switzerland ZAC-Soft Thomas Kuhn Postfach CH 8401 Winterthur Switzerland/Schweiz #C011Tel: +41 89 402 15 10 #C011FAX: +41 89 402 15 10 Our current prices: #C014Versions 1 and 2: #C0156 Scenarios each, with 30 tracks: 36,- SFr. each. #C014Version 3:#C015 ALL 9 Scenarios and 45 Tracks: #C014AT ONLY 55,- SFr. it's a #C014REAL BARGAIN! #T #S003006#P#C014TEACY ENTERTAINMENT ENTERPRISES We are: One heck of a sourcerer, mugician, SFX-creator, #C014TEACY! alias Tilo Christ One heck of a painter, designer, music maestro, "paint package-operator", provider of weird ideas and of moral support ... NOT! #C014CHAOS DESIGN! alias Axel Christ #P#C014ON TEACY! SWM, 21 yo., 5'6", untamed hair. Look pretty intellectual, I s'pose, he, he! I seek: Experience in the ways of the woman, unbounded wealth, etc. ROAD HOG! is my first try to enter the software scene. It's only a game, but it has chan- ged my life, and the way I drive! I'm taking a break now, it's time to regain my touch with reality... (I haven't looked out of the win- dow for the past couple of hours.) #P#C014ON CHAOS DESIGN! 1. #C014Eat and poop and sleep - a fulfilled life? 2. #C014Eat and paint and sleep - Sounds better... 3. #C014Eat and paint - Now we're getting there! 4. #C014Just paint (and starve) - No, no, one step back, please... 5. #C014Eat and paint - Alright, that's him. #P#C014CREDITS The following people have contri- buted to the successful completion of this game: #C014TEACY ENTERTAINMENT- Art, music, and programming #C014Jrgen, Nick, Ken- Cheerleaders, production, marke- ting, and beta-testing #C014Stefan, Shirley- Cheerleaders, moral support, beta-testing #C014And many others... #P#C014GREAT TOOLS & STUFF The following tools & stuff have been of great value to us: Creative Lab's #C014SB16 MultiCD ASP#C014 sound board. Roland Corp.'s #C014SCB-55#C015 daughter- board. I LOVE IT! Roland Corp.'s #C014DoRemix#C015 program, a GREAT music production tool. WinJammer Software's #C014WinJammer#C015 MIDI-sequencing software. #P#C014DISCLAIMER: We would like to point out that all animals and bonus items in this game are trained professio- nals. No animals and bonus items have been endangered during the production of this piece of soft- ware! You are STRONGLY discouraged from imitating any of the shown stunts. REMEMBER: It is strictly prohibi- ted to collect bonus items on public highways. #P#C014FAN MAIL Fan mail goes to: Jrgen Egeling Computer Waldstr. 49 D-76133 Karlsruhe GERMANY He will forward it to the authors. #T